I think it is time to branch off my orional topic here. Talking about Diana so much and all the aftermath from the Papparazzi for so long has got me thinking.. Do celebritys have to put up with too much from the Papparazzi?
I am sure we have all wondered about this one. You may say that because of their profession and the obbsession that fans have with them as a result of their works, it is expected of them to receive such lime light.
However what about when it goes too far? for instance a celebrity has a break down, should that also be so cruely displayed across all forms of media? whether it be the news, maganines, or the internet? Do these people deserve such a privacy that the normal public holds?
In my opinion yes they do, in a lot of cases they have to expect for a lot of their personal life to be put out across the world. But there are some things where the line has to be drawn.
Britiany Spears recently had a massive break down where she shaved off her hair as a result. Should the magazines draw the line at a point such as this and perhaps not either report it, but if they must not report it enough to humiliate her?
(and do not call me a hyprocrite for posting a picture myself of the shaved Britiany, i have to do it to show everyone how serious this matter is.......lol)
I think it is a right to have privacy. As a celebrity this is somewhat diminished, but they still need there space to stay sane. In Britany's case, she acted extremely poorly in public and got stung for it. While they wish to remain celebritys and make there millions, they have to live like normal people and behave. Simple as that. If she was having a break down maybe she shouldn't have left home?. There needs to be boundaries, yes, but at the same time celebrities shouldn't provide us with entertaining news stories.
Good call Ross, but i think it is a lot harder for them to hide things like their more personal issues from the media. If they make a mistake, that is it, it will be out there.
Staying inside the house wont help i am sure, as the connections with these magazine tabloids fun so deep with the celebrity's they have ways of finding out, especialy when they are hiding something!!
Good point, I don't think they provide the same level of entertainment though?. Was anyone else shocked at the press frenzy developing over Amy Winehouse's Emphsyma? does anyone else want to know?.
There needs to be standards put in place, but what really can be done. It lies in the hands of the informers, and I doubt they will do anything when they're offered large sums of money?.
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